When you dream that your boyfriend's mom tells you that her son talks about you, this could mean that you are subconsciously suspicious that your boyfriend is talking about you behind your back. The best way to deal with this is to have a conversation with your boyfriend about it.
yea he is no one should make fun of you behind your back especially your boyfriend
Ask them why?;) Answer Ask them why, then stay away from them. A real friend will not talk behind your back.
He might just want to be friends with you or he wants you back.
I wouldn't.
wa does it mean if my ex still talks to me
It's time to move on. Look for a new boyfriend. The longer you stay close to your ex, the more hurt you will feel. If he is a bad guy he can even misuse your feelings for him and get you in the sack, behind his new girlfriend's back.
if she talks about you behind your back shes not really your friend. btw, why would you even put up with that?
get over it. He dooes not love you. Tell him to just back off and leave you alone.
Don't pretend you don't know he's talking behind your back. Next time he comes and treats you "nicely", spill it out, confront. He's got to grow up. A little advise, if you let me: stay away from men like this.
from the sounds of it shes being abit of a player..