He has every right to be worried as many girls don't wait for their boyfriends to come back home and few of men in the Military get many 'leaves' (rest periods.) There is nothing you can say because you can't promise him 100% you'll be there forever for him. It's going to be difficult for you when he is away so long and you aren't dating any longer. It can get lonely. You may be a bright girl and a caring one and be one of the few that will wait for him. Just don't make any promises to him, but, if you love him support him and keep writing him (even send a taped message from you to him every so often.) Mail is slow so don't be impatient. In fact, why not give him a very small tape recorder and put a tape of a message from you to him on it so that he can take it with him.
In my opinion you should be happy for him and support him. You should also be worried, the Army is dangerous. I hope you and him are safe and happy. Be careful!
Answer:Having been where he is going, I know you should be happy for him. He has made a difficult decision that could be dangerous. Thank him from all of us for his decision to serve. Be supportive of him. Remain loyal. Write to him often and remind him why he is doing this. Part of his decision, whether he is aware of it or not, is for you.No, she is going to the Army to fight for her country.
A girlfriend can not get a military discharge for her boyfriend just because he wants out of the army. He should talk to his superiors and find out if there is anything he can do to get an early release from the Army.
I think you should if you truly love him and he loves you
Well, that is really sad that someone you love is going to the army :( but a song that you could sing is: When your gone by Avril Lavigne
That where not happy that where angry with him.
The Japanese Army was happy with the various attacks on the British, Dutch & Americans (including the Pearl Harbor attack). The Japanese Army was the main force behind the idea of going to war with Britain & the US.
Army Generel jashan is going to be the next Army General of canada!!!!!!!!
He's Dead (Test)
Dan ally-faid
The army authorities would be able to tell your boyfriend, but they usually require evidence of a long-term committed relationship, which might be hard to produce at your age.