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It doesn't matter if you like him or not, he's MARRIED.

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Q: What if you like your best friend's married brother and he is married to someone your best friend is close to?
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How can you find my friends new married name?

if you know your friends myspace/facebook/AIM, you can easily ask them or ask someone who is closer to your friend then you are.

Is it wrong to accept money from a friend that is married?

No,your friend is your friend,if get married or not & you can accept money from your friends,can't you?

What if your best guy friend likes your best girl friends but she doesnt like him How should you tell him?

Tell him she sees him like a brother , or just as a friend , or she likes someone else.

Who are her friends?

Friends are people who you can trust, who you can tell anything to, who you know won't stab you in the back, someone who you do everything with, someone that is by your side through thick & thin, a friend is basically the best sister/brother you could ever want.

How do you get your older brother to go out with your friend?

U mak ur brother b friends

Does your friend's big brother like you back?

I dont like my friends big brother...

Can two married exes be friends?

Absolutley. I'm in a close just friends relationship with my friend. But, I'm not married.

What do it mean when you group someone on stardoll?

Grouping someone means you label them. You can group someone as your best friend, Covergirl friend, family member, school friend, Party People, friends, Superstar friends, club friends and Unclassified.

Whose friends is like a brother?

My best friend ever is like my little brother <3

What should you do if you like your best friends older brother?

read Princess Diaries! If you really like him like Mia, tell your friend. really read the book it's really good! talk to someone about it, specifically your best friend. if they understand then tslk to their brother.

What is a mutral friend on Facebook?

A mutual friend is someone who has one of your friends as a friend.

What is the diff between a mutual friend and just a friend?

a mutual friend is someone who is friends with someone on your contact list.