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if a boy hugs another girl in front of you he doesnt have any regards for your feelings you should move on,even though it might hurt you because you like him you should try your best not to pay him any mind and like someone else or stay to yourself.

If the boy doesn't know you like him tell him and you never know he might stop hugging others and hug you instead ,but if he knows you like him and is still flirting with other girls then he is a coward and you should forget you ever liked him.hope I've been helpful.

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Q: What if you like a boy and he hugs other girls in front of you?
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Either he's trying to make you jealous, or he doesn't like you and he's trying to give you the "hint."

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some girls like being held on their ass it makes them feel like u think they have a ass and some other girls are shy and just like it wen u put your arms around there waist or just give them a hug girls love tight long hugs.

If a guy huGS you back to front doEs he like you?

I'm pretty sure that is a definite yes!

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ya its a rlly cute guy thing

Does he like you if whenever you walk his arm is around you And he hugs you a lot?

If he does this to more girls then probably no. But if you are the only one he ever puts his arm around or hugs then probably yes.