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Do they know you know? You can tell a trusted adult, or talk to your friends about it.

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Q: What if you find out one of your friends is stealing?
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This one girl is stealing ALL your friends what should you do?

Well, if someone's a true friend, he can't be "stolen" by anyone. You don't need friends like that.

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Is it stealing if you find a phone?

No, you just find a phone, but if you don't give it to the company, then it's stealing.

How do you stop others from stealing my 'Friend'?

When two people are friends then they should be happy for their friends and both of you should be making more friends. You cannot keep your friend tied to you just because that is what you want. No one is stealing your friend; your friend is making new friends, but that does not mean they don't like you. Talk to your friend about how you feel about all of this and let them explain themselves and you will feel much better for doing so.

What to do if your friend is stealing all of your friends?

eat a pizza than get really angry

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well if you want to find that up look up STEALING THE DIAMOND WALKTHROUGH

What are the common rules babysitters break?

Eating , sleeping, having friends over, stealing

What is the effect of your friends because you shoplifted?

Shoplifting can be a disorder or simply getting a thrill out of getting away with it because you may not be able to afford what you stole. Most of your friends will not respect you for stealing because they won't be able to trust you. Eventually you will get caught and stealing is illegal and you could have this on your record. It's wise to stop stealing and have more pride in yourself.

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you can get it free by doing contests or your friends give it to you. But yeah... you have to buy it most of the times.

Are Disney people stealing your songs?

They are stealing Erin's songs and demi lovato was stealing Erin's ideas too. Erin is really mad about it. Selena Gomez stole one of Erin's song titles which was disappear. ICarly also is making shows about her life. The one where Missy was going to steal Carly, Erin's friends are having a fight over her. Erin is getting really annoyed with T.V.

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Is there a business in stealing ATM codes?

No, stealing ATM machine codes is not a business. It is stealing. One can probably make money from it but it is immoral and will likely land one in jail eventually.