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well u can act all interested in him complement him laugh wiht him make jokes and when the other girls are

close to him act like u don't care be friendly and if you see him walking the way you are to to your other guy friends that way he would see that he isn't the only one I hope this tip helps you!! guys hate when other guys still there attention!

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Q: What if the guy that likes you is always surrounded by other girls?
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If he likes other girls and chases them and goes by them and talks to them MOVE ON!1!1

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He likes them, too.

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If your girlfirend likes other girls that's fine let her choose the way that shw wants to be.

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they often like to try and hold ur hand and always hang around and dont let other girls near you

How do you get a girl when you have a feeling she likes another guy?

In most cases, Be honest. Tell her you like her, and if she feels the same way, great. If not, then there will always be other girls, and they will be very lucky girls indeed :]

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He is nervous around you

I know he flirts but what does he do if he really likes you?

Does he flirt with other girls? He might not be there just for you, cupcake. If he doesn't ask him if he likes you. if he does flirt with other girls you will know if it is you who he likes because out of all the others you will receive a different type of flirt like if he's always playing with them when it comes down to you it would be different he would play wit you but add on a little talking or hugging etc.

Does a guy become more attractive to a girl if other girls also like him?

suprisingly the answer is yes. even a girl will be more attrative to u if u are always surrounded by ur friends

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What if your man spends more time with other girls than you?

he might be a player, or he just likes to hang out with other girls

Why do girls like each other?

Girls like each other due to their mutual feelings. They have the same likes and dislikes.