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Guys and girls are all the same. Dating is seriously not THAT complicating. Lemme give you some advice from a girl with muchhh experience lol:

If i was the girl you liked and i was going out with your best firend, who says you can't sit and talk to me at lunch or invite me to a house party and chill or somthing? Girls like when they have a guy to talk to other than her bf. (Just as long as the flirting is at a minimum around the best freind, so you don't piss him off.) The goal would be to make this girl one of your best firends. Ddont admit to liking her just yet. Make sure the bestfreind noz your intentions are just to be firends. This way, it doesnt look like your trying to steal her away from her bf, but at least your a part of her life and your giving her to chance to get to know you and feel more confortable around you. In time, when things eventually start breaking up,your the one she'll think of first. AND HELLO! This is your cue to tell her how you've been attracted to her this whole time!

And if all this doesnt work... then give up and move on. There's another billion girls out there. Dont waist your time on that one girl that doesnt no what she wants. Cause honestly, why would you date someone if she cant decide if she likes you or not.

Hope i was helpful:)

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13y ago

That's not good! You need to tell this girl how you feel about her before it's too late.

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Q: What if the girl you like is going out with your best friend?
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