If she's got a stethoscope and he'll let her, sure. It's a little problematic to do it the other way, because somewhere around thirteen, there start to be multiple layers of clothing in the way on girls, and she's not likely to want a boy sticking his hand inside her shirt.
he put his hand inside his shirt because he had a infection in his stomach and was scratching at the skin (because it was itchy)
Because the official Girl Scout handshake calls for you to hold up the Girl Scout hand in your right hand. Not sure about the Boy Scouts.
It means that she feels powerful and wants to control you by tormenting you in a dirty way.
A boy can put it on anything he can put his hand. Physically speaking.
When a male puts their hand up a girls shirt, lift the bra up and feel up the girls tit while their hand is under the bra.
put your hand with your shirt and stuff it in your pants
Boys usually wait for signs from their girlfriends before they try anything. For example, when a girl rests her hand on the surface she is sitting on, it usually means she'd like you to hold her hand.
pair of 28" statues boy holds fruit in hand -girl holds basket with flowers mark-marwal with c inside circle ind inc
Divided By Friday - Disappoint: Surprise
It isn't called anything in particular, although it is slightly reminiscent of a straitjacket. 2nd answer: It was always called the "herky-jerky" where I am from.
I am Shirt