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If you're afraid to tell him then don't , because if you do ,he might be emberraced and might feel uncomfortable hanging around you , but if you don't then he'll find out and he won't be emberraced.

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Q: What if im afraid to tell your friend that you still like him?
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Don't be afraid to tell him that you like him

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I think so because the samething happened to me and they guy liked me but was afraid to tell me how he fells.

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how you tell your best friend that u like they?

" Hey, I wanna tell you something, I like you, " Friend: " I don't like you " " Can we still be friends? " Or... " Hey, I wanna tell you something, I like you, " Friend: " I like you too! " Smile and ask her/him out.

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of course u should tell her.. dont be afraid of nothing.

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depends, is she a good friend? why are you afraid of telling her? will she go and tell a bunch of people? are good questions to ask yourself first.

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I think i should tell my friend that i like him and tell him that i like him too.but if she still goes out with him than she;s not a real friend

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no if he did or does then you tell his friend to give you a chance and why he said that or have one of you're friend's be friends with the guy you like and tell him how awesome you really are girl believe in you're self

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Dont be afraid to stand up for your friend. Tell them to stop bothering her, or tell the teacher.

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You have to man up and tell them you like that person! If they judge you by your opinion then how is this person really your friend just go right up to them and tell them don't be afraid!!!!

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Just tell her you care about her as a friend, Tell her you know she is Bi... let her know that you are proud to be her friend and that nothing will change that. Be kind to her.