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I got lost in the second part of your question... if he acts like he doesn't know, there's a good chance he does know but doesn't want to spoil around you or other girls. Whatever the reason is, it can be good or bad.

He could actually not know on the other hand...

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Q: What if a guy acts like he doesn't know or like you around other girls?
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girls are hard to get and it also depends on why she doesnt like you. maybe you offended her or maybe she is just confussed. ask her ahy she doesnt like you and if she doesnt answer ask her friends.

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it really depends on how he acts around other girls if he only acts mean to you, it's more likely he likes you than if he's mean to everyone where as if he's only nice to you, and mean to other girls, he prob likes you too. hope i helped good luck!

I really want to know if he likes me?

Well it depends how he acts around you. Does he lean towards you alot when talking to you? Does he talk to you differently then other girls? Maybe in a teasing or playful way? If his friends say he acts "strange " around you then probably yes.

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If she acts weirder than the othergirls when she's around you or if she voids you more often than the other girls you'll know.

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When a girl plays around with you there is a chance she likes you..depending on the girl there is a 50/50 chance.. some girls will want to date you but don't know how to ask you or arer just waiting on you to ask her out..other girls are just big flirts who act like that naturaly..trey and see how she acts around other guys..if she is the same way then she is proboly a flirt. if she doesnt then she proboly is waiting on you to ask her out

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He likes you and he doesnt want anyone else to know go ask him out seriously. He likes you and he doesnt want anyone else to know go ask him out seriously. maybe he is shy when he is around people. If he doesnt talk to you when he his around people it does not mean he does not like you is just that he is shy

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Well, just because he acts gay, doesn't mean he is.

How do you know he's in love?

you can see by the way he acts around certain girls or what he says

What do guys act like if they like you?

They usuallytalk to youJoke with you,make fun of you^^^ that's bs ^^^Watch how they act around there friends and other girls then watch how he acts around you. That is a really big tool that most girls don't understand for telling if a guy likes you