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show him u don't and if he truly loves u and cares then he will trust u if he don't he don't desirve u nd as for ur friend they are messed up and they need to be taught a lesson lol but for real do that

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Q: What if a friend tells your boyfriend you want to break up when you don't?
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Is it bad to get your best friend to break up with your boyfriend?

YESS very bad i was duped that way!! my boyfriend had his best friend whom i liked break up with me for him, it was humiliating dont put the guy through it.

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You dont.

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then he shouldn't be your boyfriend… if you have a boyfriend AND crush on someone else, you aren't ready for a strong relationship. so, if i were you, i'd break up with my boyfriend! also, if he's the kind of guy that tells people your personal stuff, then he's not the kind of guy you need to be around! you deserve someone who respects you and wouldn't ever say something that they know would embarrass you!

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nothing. dont worry i guess you are also attracted to other people than your boyfriend. that is normal. but if he tries to make a move on her, better forget about him. he's not worth it.

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you dont, this could cause problems between you and your friend

What do you do if you dont love your boyfriend back?

Break up..? :S

How do you know if your boyfriend still likes you?

when they dont break up with you

What does it mean if a guy tells you he was hanging out with your friend and says it was really fun?

if u have a boyfriend and he says that he most likely had sex with ure friend i dont wanna make u mad but it most likely the truth and a smart answer

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no she dont have any boyfriend

What your friend tells you they dont care about you?

you can get new friends dudes

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Your friend tells you.

Your friend has a boyfriend and she talks about her problems but you have problems to like you dont have a boyfriend what should you do?

Answer Find a good friend to confide in and let your girlfriend do her thing.