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There are many factors that the decision of disfellowshipping is based on. The biggest one is repentance. If the subject honestly repents and changes their way then they will be forgiven. If they do not change their attitude and remain outrightly sinful then they will probably be disfellowshipped from the congregation.

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13y ago

Can she? Yes. Should she? That would depend on the circumstances. How "new" is he? Was the child conceived before or after he became a Witness? If after, has he been given the spiritual help he needs? Does he show spiritual maturity?

There is much to consider, but your best advice would come from the elders who are familiar with the circumstances.

Yes. Any Jehovah's Witness can marry any other Jehovah's Witness (of the opposite sex) if they are both of legal age and are scripturally free to marry.

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11y ago

Yes, such an act is often punished with the person concerned being disfellowshipped except within "special" circumstances, i.e. they have been raped. But even then if they weren't considered to have fought back hard enough this could also be grounds for them being disfellowshipped.

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13y ago

Yes, he can.

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Q: What happens when a Jehovah's Witness has a child out of wedlock?
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I can't find any evidence that he ever had a child out of wedlock.

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An out of wedlock child is entitled to the same share as an in wedlock child. It is the biology that is crucial and not marital status. You should check the laws of intestacy in your jurisdiction.

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It means that the mother and father of the child were not married

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Yes, Mary Wollstonecraft did have a child out of wedlock with Gilbert Imlay. They had a daughter named Fanny Imlay in 1794.

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What part of speech is used for a person born out of wedlock?

A person born out of wedlock is known as "illegitimate" or a "love child." The part of speech for "child" is a noun, and "illegitimate" is an adjective.

Can a child be christened if born out of wedlock?

In most church denominations this is perfectly possible - as it is not the child's fault that they are born out of wedlock. However, im some churches they are more strict (and igid, and, dare I say judgemental) and may not allow it.