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it happened to me in 2nd grade. in school there was a large stone thing around the patio, and my friends sharped the stick of the ice cream, stabbed me in the back, and like puss or something cumy started getting out. very little, then a little bit of blood, but it penetrated. i then hit the boy and droped him to the floor. it hurted. it doesnt feel like anything special. at first you don't feel anything because of the shock, then you start to feel the real pain. it isn't as you think it is, it isn't like in the movies that they are actually almost dying. it really hurts, yeah, but its not the end of the world. today, 19/4/11 i have been stabbed with a pen by a friend, and it started to bleed a little, it hurted, but not that much. its like hitting you hard in the shoulder. it hurts but then it goes out.

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Q: What happens if you feel youre back is being stabbed?
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