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he is not a ward anymore if the decision to make him a ward does not stipulate it differently

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Q: What happens if a sixteen year old ward of the court makes it to eighteen years old?
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Can a child leave a custodial parents house when they are eighteen in Ohio?

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An executor who makes any changes to the will is in violation of law and should be reported to the court that made the appointment immediately. They should be replaced as executor.

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What makes an adult?

In the eyes of the law in the US, people become adults at age eighteen, but I think that a responsible attitude makes an adult. By this definition, it took me a couple of years longer, but some people never gain the adult outlook no matter how old they get, and some gain it before they turn eighteen.

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Your parent can go to jail.. _____________________ While this is true it can be too simplistic: Lying under oath in court can have serious consequences. In a criminal trial you can be held in criminal contempt of court, not to mention being charged with 'obstruction of justice,' and can be jailed. In civil cases you can be ruled in civil contempt of court and face a stiff fine.

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Happens all the time. No big deal. The executor, whomever it is, fulfills the duties are required by law. And if no one 'wants' to be the executor, the court will appoint someone to do it, usually an attorney or a bank.

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Erosion happens on land,which makes it erod :)