no you freak
No, another person cannot directly control your mind. Individuals have control over their own thoughts and actions. However, people can influence each other through persuasion, manipulation, or coercion.
A person may hide objects from another person due to lack of trust, fear of judgment, desire for privacy, or as a way to maintain control over their belongings.
A bailment is a handing over of control over, or possession of, personal property by one person, the bailor, to another, the bailee, for a specific purpose.
Coercion is the use of threats or force to persuade someone to do something they may not want to do. It involves intimidation and exerting control over another person's actions or decisions.
He believed a person can live under the state of nature and no one can have control over another.
When a person has direct physical control over an object, it is called "possession." Possession refers to the physical control or holding of an object by a person.
Dispose Method
he gives him all his money
It gives you more control over the port data.
A person who has complete control over someone or something is often referred to as a "dominator" or "controller."
Any range (in conjunction with a thermometer) gives good control, but I find the gas ranges to be best.