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Factors that break up a family:

  • The spouses fall out of love with each other.
  • Financial pressure.
  • One spouse wanted children and the other didn't but they have children.
  • One spouse who is not capable of commitment.
  • Cheating.
  • Psychological disorders such as major depression and the person will not go for help.
  • If the husband works long hours or works out of town and the wife seldom sees her husband and has a heavy load of raising their children.
  • Sometimes having an over-bearing mother or mother-in-law living with the couple.
  • A male partner that is lethargic about finding work to support his family.
  • Alcoholism; drugs; hanging out in a gang.
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Q: What factors cause broken families?
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Percentage of broken families in the world?

It is difficult to provide an exact percentage of broken families in the world as definitions and data collection methods vary. However, studies suggest that divorce rates are increasing globally, with some estimates indicating that around 40-50% of marriages end in divorce. Additionally, factors such as separation, single parenthood, and other family disruptions contribute to the prevalence of broken families.

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There are many factors that can cause conflict in homes of dual earning. The woman may make more money than the husband for example.

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In the 1950's, you did not hear of very many families being broken. Today, in 2014, there are many homes that have broken families.

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Cause of having a broken family?

There are a lot of reasons why family or families are broken but the most common reason is neither one of the couple being unfaithful to their partner, compromising the lives of their children.

What is the significance of the study about a broken family?

Studying broken families can provide insight into the impacts of divorce, separation, or other disruptions on family dynamics, relationships, and individual well-being. These studies can help identify risk factors, develop interventions, and support policies to help families navigate challenges and thrive.

What is the cause of broken families through interaction?

Broken families can result from various factors such as communication breakdown, unresolved conflicts, lack of trust, substance abuse, financial issues, infidelity, and domestic violence. These issues can lead to emotional distance, resentment, and ultimately the breakdown of the family unit. Seeking therapy, open and honest communication, setting boundaries, and addressing underlying issues can help prevent family interactions from leading to breakdowns.

Families can be further broken down into?

Families can be further broken down into nuclear families (parents and children), extended families (relatives beyond nuclear family), single-parent families (one parent raising children), and blended families (combining children from previous relationships).

Do children from broken family often become parents of broken families?

Not usually.

What are theories about broken families?

Some theories about broken families suggest that issues like divorce, abuse, or neglect can disrupt family dynamics and lead to challenges for family members. Other theories point to factors like communication breakdowns, lack of support systems, or unresolved conflicts as contributing to family breakdown. Overall, broken families may experience issues related to trust, emotional well-being, and stability that can impact individuals in the family unit.