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Q: What excerpt from Everyday Use shows that Dee is ashamed of her poor family?
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Which excerpt from Everyday Use shows that Dee is ashamed of her poor family?

She wrote me once that no matter where we "choose" to live, she will manage to come see us. But she will never bring her friends.

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Please rewrite. This is clearly a school assignment. We don't have the choice of a excerpt from your assignment.

What is on impact of language used by Ariel in this excerpt from the tempest?

It shows his insensitivity to human suffering.

How do you use the word excerpt in a sentence?

An excerpt is a selected portion from a longer work such as a film or book. So long as you bear in mind its correct meaning, you can use the word "excerpt" in much the same way that you use the word "sample."The trailer shows an excerpt from the film "Avatar."The author read an excerpt from his new novel. I used an excerpt of the speech in my term paper.

What is one impact of the language used by Ariel in the excerpt from the tempest?

It shows his insensitivity to human suffering.

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A chart that shows the relationship within a family is called a pedigree or in other words a chart of your family tree

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ABC Family is on basic cable and has many shows that are good for families. Shows on ABC Family can also be watched online.

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American television shows like Wife Swap are similar to Family Outing.