When something is dodgy or a bit of an innuendo it can sometimes be funny to stick "that's what she said" at the end, for example:
Person one is screwing a nail into a wall.
Person 1: "It's just not going in, I'll just have to screw it harder"
Person 2: "that's what she said!"
if you want to understand innuendos a little better I suggest you look up the better of the 'carry on' films from the 60's, they're probably on YouTube.
my mane is shelly me virtudazo.........thats the meaning
G.P.S. Said "avoid area" what dose in mean?
Y.O.L.O. You Only Live Once thats the motto
Thats what she said. hehe lol
Hour thats what my teacher said at least
thats what she said :P
Hour thats what my teacher said at least
ig means i guess for example me & my friend were talking i said oh thats so cool & she said "ig"
Two old ladies...thats at least what my grandpa said..
Dappy is called dappy because he is known as a dapper gentleman and thats how he got the name dappy after he changed it around
It usually means you said something she thought was weird or funny, depending on how she said it.
I am Prescribed 200mg a day but there is a patient at my pain clinic that gets 370mg a day!!!! thats over a 1000 methadone 10's a month! I ask the pharmacist what the max dose was and he said there isnt one!!!!! =) so there is NO MAX legal dose!