A tattoo of a heart could just easily symbolize love of something.
Letting your heart soar...
that your a fan of marina and the diamonds
you hate your date
Heart, obviously can mean love. The blue flame is the hottest and most intense part of a fire, and the color blue is often a prophetic symbol of divine revelation. Therefore, it can mean an intense love &/or an intense love for God. Ultimately though, YOUR tattoo can mean whatever you want it to, it's your body & your 'ink' after all!
the wearer has had open heart surgery No i don't think that's it. lol The open or cracked heart tattoo symbolizes a broken heart, loss of a loved one , or to portray the feeling of sorrow
Free spirited or GD
it means that you worship satan.
Flaming Heart comes from Crests from Europe,WHich the flaming heart on a crest would mean 'Burning passion,or love or desire"
Purple is the colour of passion and compassion. My purple heart wrist tattoo is to remind myself to lobe myself more
Fire in the heart sends smoke into the head
Fire in the heart sends smoke into the head