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Q: What does the Greek word rhetor mean?
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What is the root work for rhetorical?

The root word for rhetorical is "rhetor," which comes from the Greek word "rhetorikos," meaning "oratorical or rhetorical."

Rhetoric derived from the Greek word rhetor which means orator is the art of using effectively and persuasively?


Derived from the Greek word rhetor which means orator is the art of using language effectively and persuasively?


Which of the following is not true about rhetoric?

The art of using language to persuade people to change their views.

What means orator in greek?

Ancient Greek: ρήτωρ (transliterated as rhetor, pronounced ree-torr) Modern Greek: ρήτορας (transliterated as rhetoras, pronounced ree-torr-ass)

What does the greek word sperat mean in English?

There is no such word in Greek.

What does the Greek word machos mean?

It is the Greek word for "battle".

What does the word collo mean in Greek?

In Greek, the word "collo" does not have a specific meaning. It is not a Greek word.

Does the word crazy mean perfect in Hebrew or Greek?

No, the word "crazy" does not mean perfect in either Hebrew or Greek.

What does the greek word naughtiness mean?

"naughtiness" is not a Greek word, it is English.

What does the greek word ecos mean?

Ecos mean house in Greek

What is the greek word for wood sound?

If you mean what is the greek word for "wood sound" then its: Ξύλινος ήχος [xeelinos ehos] If you mean HOW DOES the Greek word for wood sound, then it's xeelo