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He is trying to see if your fighting w/ your boyfriend so he can date you or, he is a stockier.

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14y ago
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14y ago

because he probably gets a little jealus maybe he likes you back or knows that you might like him and likes you liking him and gets mad or confused

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Q: What does that mean if the guy you like stares at you far away when you're fighting with a guy?
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Well. sometimes it can happen if he stares at you , and you look at him when he stares he might look away because he can be shy

If a guy you like stays away from you does it mean he likes you?

no unless he constantly stares at you.

If you and a boy are in a fight and he stares at you what does it mean?

He's crazy!!!!! he could like you... depend if it was play fighting or not and if he was smiling :P

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yes it does mean he does or he think youre really cute

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Stare at he until she stares at you and then quickly look away.

What if the guy you like notice you stares at him but doesn't look away?

He's either not embarrassed to see you staring or just creepy.

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she thinks your weird

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it's a good guess

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It means that guys are fighting over you and you should be happy

What does it mean if somebody stares at you all the time but when you spaek to hime he doesn't like you?

....they may want to kill u......... ...seriously..stay away from them