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Ok... when someone tells you a guy is playing mind games with you, it's pretty self explanitory... he's playing with your brain, he's making you think things. And most of the time it's not a good thing... Of course it depends on what he's telling you.

Sometimes a guy will tell you he loves you and he'll always be with you, but then he only wants to crawl into bed with you... that's playing mind games... when you tell someone something so that they think something else. In this example, by telling you he loves you, you'll let him in your bed cuz' he loves you and you're doing out of love... SO NOT RIGHT! He's trying to make you convince yourself of something you other wise would know or realize was or is wrong.

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13y ago
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13y ago

mess with his mind act like you forgot about him then he will be all over you. flirt with one of his best friends that will make him want he dating a friend of yours? because if he is that will be a different problem!

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13y ago

then you know he is a good for nothing cheater and tell his girlfriend not the he's a good for nothing cheater part just that he's cheating on her case then it's awkward and if she doesn't belive you just tell her not to let him hurt her case she needs a better man

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yes it means that he wants you under his rule and be his

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13y ago

it means he's a player. find a new guy

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Q: What does that mean if the guy you like messes with your feelings by playing mind games with you when he has a girlfriend?
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She needs counceling. If she won't go, a therapist for you is a good idea if you want to keep this relationship. You can't stop a girlfriend from playing mind games, she is obviously scarred and hurt from her past. She needs help.

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I've been in a similar situation with a girlfriend of mine. The best solution is to confront him on this and see where the conversation takes you two. He's just playing you if he's doing mind games. So he's just being a player.

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You shouldn't try and make her jealous if it's not working out end it it's not worth playing games with her 👳

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8-year-old boys shouldn't be thinking about girlfriends - they should be thinking about playing games with their friends !

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Confront her and communicate with her - simply ask her why she is acting in such a way. There is no time for games in a relationship in which it seems she is playing for whatever her reasons.

How do you ask your girlfriend if she still has feelings for her ex?

In any good relationship good communication skills are a must and by having those good communication skills both parties in the relationship should be able to trust and love each other to be honest with each other and able to discuss any problems they may have. Without anger privately sit down with your girlfriend and quietly ask her if she still has feelings for her ex and if she does you would like to know now and you will understand and respect her feelings; by doing this you are more likely to get the truth even though the answer you may receive isn't the one you are looking for. It is far better to know now how she feels about her ex instead of playing guessing games. Hopefully she does not have feelings for her ex, but if she should then you break off the relationship and don't let her play you against her ex as she is not respecting your feelings.