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Staying with another friend's relationship after your breakup means that you still have feelings for the other person.

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Q: What does staying with another friends relationship after your breakup mean?
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Does staying friends with an ex work?

NO. Trust me when I say this. I tried being friends with my ex (we were good friends before the relationship), but it never worked out. We eventually got back into a relationship and it just didn't work that way either. Save yourself the hurt, and don't try to be friends with them.

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The past progressive of "to stay" is "was staying" or "were staying" depending on the subject of the sentence. For example, "I was staying at a hotel" or "They were staying with friends."

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She might still be deciding whether she likes you... Try staying friends with you and hopefully she will realise how cute, funny and awesome you are and then you try again. Try hanging out as friends and hopefully a relationship will come of it.

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If the relationship is stable, there shouldn't be an issue regarding staying.

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Just try to think of them as more of a friend than a partner, i've just come out of a long term relationship, but i still want to remain in contact and be good friends, and he wants to aswell. I'll miss being in a relationship, but the fact that they still want to stay in contact and be friends, shows how good your relationship was! Just try and be friends, but not look at all the things that you did when you were in a relationship, depends how intimate you were, but you'll be okay, just be honest

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Friends that live near and around you.

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Warning:Risk of losing friend is great, little likelyhood of you staying friends.

Couples that break up and staying friends?

If that is their choice and works for them so be it.

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basically just staying in contact with families or friends

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You get close friends by meeting people and staying in contact with them constantly. For them to like you, you must be yourself.