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When people are in a physical relionship, that means they are having sex (:

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Q: What does physical relationship mean?
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The relationship between physical activity and cardiovascular activity is that physical activity changes body organs, which results in improved cardiovascular fitness. hope this helps :)

How important is physical attractiveness?

Physical attraction is an important aspect of any relationship. It is not the only aspect and the relationship shouldn't be based primarily on this.

What does it mean to go awol in a relationship?

To go AWOL in a relationship means that either party bf/gf has officially dismissed him/herself from the relationship-a true case of partnered abandonment. There's no commitment,emotions or physical ties bounding this person to stay.

Would you stay in a relationship if you're really attracted to him but you are suffering in that tumultuous relationship that it can kill you?

Depends what you mean by suffering. If you mean physical suffering then no, never. There is never any reason, any excuse for anyone to stay with a violent partner. If you mean some kind of doubts or mental anguish then only you can answer that but I'd say that a physical attraction to a person is a poor reason to put up with mental anguish.

What does it mean when a boy breaks up with a girl right after they got together?

IF YOU MEAN GOT TOGETHER AS IN A PHYSICAL RELATIONSHIP THEN IT MEANS HE'S A DOG. If you mean got together as in starting what you thought was going to be a long term relationship it could just be that he didn't want to be committed to the time and effort that requires.