Neena Gill was born in 1957.
Neena Richie is 5' 5".
Neena Hougham is 5' 6".
Neena Gupta was born on 1959-07-04.
Neena Verma was born on 1960-10-19.
Neena Kahlon has written: 'Remembering the juice mango'
Neena Rose's birth name is Terene Cheatham.
Neena will become a lazy bum. She will feel teerible forever
Neena Bidasha was born on March 25, 1972, in California, USA.
No. It's pronounced neena =niña and means "little girl".
Neena Swasdison has written: 'Job satisfaction of university librarians in Thailand'
Neena Ambre Rao has written: 'Forest ecology in India'