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Q: What does missing a finger mean?
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Is Beth Chapman missing a finger?

Yes, I just watched an episode where they caught a criminal who was missing his finger and she said that he had done her nails before and she remembered him because he was missing a finger, like she is.

Does Gordon brown have a missing finger?


What actors and actresses appeared in The Missing Finger - 1912?

The cast of The Missing Finger - 1912 includes: Lottie Briscoe as Mary Forrest

Did Terry Bradshaw have part of his finger missing?

No, he did not.

Does Beth Chapman from DTBH have a missing finger?


Is telly savalas missing a finger?

Yes, Telly Savalas is missing part of his left index finger. He lost the tip of it in a childhood accident while working in his father's restaurant.

What Star Trek cast member is missing a finger?


Is it normal to be missing a knuckle on your ring finger?

Well . . . I'm missing a knuckle on my ring finger, it functions normally. My ring finger is shorter than my index finger and it's shorter Than the ring finger on my right hand. If you have the same prob I can tell you why. Your finger is shorter because you have a knuckle, it's just pushed back into your hand. Look real close. Plus my finger is just a little fatter than the other finger.

Are you automatically disqualified for acceptance of any branch of the military having missing a finger?

No, though you will have to apply for, and be granted, a Medical Waiver by the US Military's Medical Corps. Basically, this waiver states that your missing digit(s) do not significantly hamper your ability to serve effectively. You would be unlikely to be granted a waiver if you are missing a thumb or index finger of either hand, or missing more than one finger on a hand.

What do you call a person missing a finger?


How did Star Trek's Scotty lose his middle finger?

Actually, he didn't lose his finger in the series. It was an accident. :( The actor is actually missing a finger. It's pretty impressive, though, how they 'hide' it from the camera. Next time you watch the original series, watch his hand. It's always curled so that you can't see his missing finger.

Is Jessica Dube missing a finger?

Yes she is, it was due to a lawn mower accident when she was younger.