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It probably means there is an infection. It should be checked out by a doctor.

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Q: What does it means when your husband and you are irratated down there?
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How do you spell irratated?

The correct spelling is "irritated"

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Prior means previous to, thus prior husband means ex-husband.

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their tails are good for protection. when irratated, they strike with their teeth.

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Prior means previous to, thus prior husband means ex-husband.

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In Twi language, "my husband" is said as "ɔbarima me deɛ" where "ɔbarima" means husband and "me deɛ" means my.

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"Lawful husband" means a husband recognized by law.

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It means that he likes you and he is telling your husband that your husband is lucky to have you as a wife. That means he is praising your husband. Telling him he did good finding you as a wife.

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Yeah If I Had A Husband :]

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A late husband is a dead husband. Late means dead in this context.

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Spouse means husband or wife, so if you are a woman they are asking for your husband's name.