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He's testing your weaknesses and power-points
it means that he thinks your funny and cute

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Q: What does it mean when your guy friend stares deeply into your eyes and then smirks?
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What does it mean when your crush locks his fingers with yours and stares deeply into your eyes?

He's interested in you.

This boy you know sits next to me in class and stares me in the eyes I laugh and tell him to stop but he still persistingly does and smirks why is that?

He likes you, ask him out or he won't stop! Trust me on this one!

If your opposite sex friend stares into your eyes during a long pause in conversation does it mean anything?

it means she / he likes you

How do you know if your close guy friend likes you more than a friend and what should you do about it?

You can know if he stares at your face and stares into your eyes when you two talk. If he stares at "other" parts of your body get away from him because he is a creeper and a pervert. You should then think if you really like him as more than a friend, if you do then tell him, if you don't then don't let himself make a fool of himself and just tell him (as gently as you can).

When you ask your crush a question he stares deeply almost lovingly into your eyes does he like you?

no, it doesn't mean he does because I've learned from personal experience that a boy is very good at sending mixed messages

What if a guy stares really deep into your eyes but has a girlfriend?

If a guy with a girlfriend stares deeply into your eyes, it may indicate that he is attracted to you or trying to make a connection. However, it could also suggest his behavior is inappropriate given his relationship status. It's essential to set boundaries and communicate openly about expectations in such situations.

What does it mean if a guy stares into your eyes while he is talking to you but then occasionally stops talking like looses his train of thought but still stares into your eyes?

He likes you.

What does it mean when a boy stares at you when your not looking and stares into your eyes and is nice to you but he never talks to you and he has a girlfriend does he like you?

Yes He Does Likes You

What does it mean when a girl stares you eyes?

it means she either likes you or or thinks your eyes are pretty

Does that mean the guy you like care about you if he goes to you and stares you in the eyes for a long time after his friend teases you and you look sad?

if his stare show caring or love, or something like that then yes

If your boyfriend always stares at you and smiles is it love?

No, he is undressing you with his eyes.

If a boy stares at your butt and his eyes glow what does that mean?

its shiny