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it means, probably that she is on her period, or she is not ready to have sex yet

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Q: What does it mean when your girlfriend says she is off limits and says its girls business?
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none of your business

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If you mean "gay" no. But all girls have girlfriends!

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Not until you break up with the girlfriend because there are ways she can find out and she then can call you a cheater!!!!!!!!!!

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What does it mean when a guy is always staring at you and smiling but has a girlfriend?

It all depends on how he looks at you.If he looks dreamily at you, you know he loves you but if he looks at over girls that are not his girlfriend you know he does not like you he just likes checking girls out. It all depends on how he looks at you.If he looks dreamily at you, you know he loves you but if he looks at over girls that are not his girlfriend you know he does not like you he just likes checking girls out.

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It means that they're treading dangerous waters and either need to stop liking other girls or break up with their current girlfriend. boys like to have their cake and eat it too. a lot of girls are like this too.

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Do you mean "skinny"? I mean...yes and no. He doesnt care if his girlfriend is fat or skinny. He'll love her either way.

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kim jun has no girlfriend recently but is in love with ginger.(b.o.f mean girls) they really love each other so i hope that they will be together...

How do you get a girlfriend in 1 week?

ummm... i don't know... i've never needed to get a girlfriend-i'm a girl-unless you mean friend's that are girls well in one week... tell a friend to tell a girl that you like her give a girl at least a 5 second hug ask a girl to be your girlfriend act like the girls bff

How do you know if he likes me if he is flirting with other girls?

If he is flirting with other girls it means he is a player girlfriend! It does not mean he isn't interested in you but it does mean he is interested in others as well. Don't fixate on just him... if he is keeping his options open, you should too!