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It means that she has no idea if she wants to be with you anymore. If you still want her as a girlfriend then you need to change your ways.

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Q: What does it mean when your girl friend says she doesnt know if she wants to break up or not?
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What does a girl mean when she isn't angry with you but she wants 2 break up But once she does she doesn't ask anyone else out?

well that mean that she doesnt like any one eles and that she still want to be your friend

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he doesnt have a girl friend

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It means she wants to get to know you better

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Its not nice to break up a relationship. If he wants you, then he'll break off his current relationship on his own.. Obvioulsy he loves the girl he is with. Sorry but its true.

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That means that she wants you back of course. Also that she still has feelings for you.

You have been in love with your best friend for three years but got the signal she didnt like you So asked out one of her friends so you can move on. Now she said she liked me and im with another girl?

Tell your friend that you cant break up your other relationship unless you dont like the girl are going out w/now and plus you need a reason to. if the girl you are going out with doesnt really like you than break up. or just really wants to talk to you than be here friend and get tips for the girl you are really in love with.

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A girl doesnt want to date her guy friend basically because if they brake up it would be akward to back to being friends, and no girl wants to lose her guy friend

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Is it wrong to want to date my best GIRL friend?

no, not really because its quite common. There's a lot of people who wants to date their best guy friend or best girl friend. answer it depends if you no she likes you then its fine but if she doesn't or your not sure then she could feel pressured and you might break you friendship [ that way you get no girl and you lose your girl friend ]

What do you do if the boy you like is your friend and he is dating another girl?

Well,what you should do is tell him and if he is a good friend then he will understand and if he likes you too then he will probably break up with that girl and get with you or wait until they break up to go out with you and if he doesnt like you like that then he should tell you straight out if he is any good of a person at the least.

Who is christan beadles girl friend?

he doesnt have one