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it means he wants time to think about being a couple. maybe he is not ready for commitment yet. Could be that. Sometimes we need our space just like women do. Everyone needs time alone. I mean, I am 20 years old and just got my first gf 3 months ago. We love each other, but have been apart for nearly a month and a half due to distance/summer. Before she left we talked about a lot of that stuff, and I told her that I needed my space to think before she left for the summer to think about what we should do. We get to see each other 4 times this entire summer, and its killing me/us, but we are making it work. Its like that, sometimes you just need time to think about things and make sure you are doing what you really want to do. If he is around you a lot, then he wants to get away for a bit to not be "biased", as all guys will be much more loving when they have been around their "ladies". Give him the time he needs and take the time yourself as well!

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Q: What does it mean when your boyfriend wants space from you to think about the relationship because he wants to make sure you are the one even though you never pressured him or have asked about marriag?
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