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It doesn't necessarily mean either of those. He may just realize he misses his friends. Maybe you two spend a lot of time together and if that's true, sometimes guys kind of push away but it does not mean they don't like you any less. They might just want to spend a night with the guys. Also, it could mean that he might think that you are losing your friends or your life that you had before him and he is trying to make you reconnect with other people. It couuuuld mean that he is losing interest or that your smothering him, but that's not always the case. Talk to him but don't bring it up in a way that he did something wrong. Bring it up in a way that you really want to know if its just him wanting to spend time with the guys or if its something alot bigger than that. I hope I helped!

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Q: What does it mean when your boyfriend stops being attentive to you stops spending quality time with you and always wants to be out with other people instead of maybe having a nice night alone with you?
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