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it either means that he wants to breakup with you, or that he is proposing to you.

Well maybe that is not true it could mean many things maybe his grandmother died, don't read too much into it.

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Q: What does it mean when your boyfriend says he has something to tell you?
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It could be that your boyfriend simply wants to express his love and emotions to you. If he seems overly eager, however, he may be trying to hide something.

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tell him you feelings for him

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It means she is bullying you and u don't hav to put up wif it, tell someone about it

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What do you mean? Do you want to tell your boyfriend that you love him??? Just do it. Give him a rose with a simple message. He'll get the picture. Then just tell him. "I love you"

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If you don't want to do it tell him "NO". If he loves you he should respect your wishes.

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Tell your boyfriend to shave!!! Tell your boyfriend to shave!!! Tell your boyfriend to shave!!!

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just tell him you do and maybe you guys will start dating! :)

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He says he loves you

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usually hell say that he needs to tell you something and when he says that say that you want to say something first then you tell him that its not workimg out or whatever your excuse

If her boyfriend is hiding something from her and won't tell her what it is what should she do?

If it doesn't involve her, stay out of it. If it does, threaten. What I mean by threaten is if he can't be honest, tell him you will leave him.

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Tell him and tell him why