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that he loves you and wants to f*ck you

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Q: What does it mean when your boyfriend saves your life from all your ex boyfriends?
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What does it mean when a girl flirts with you but she has a boyfriend does that mean she cheats on her boyfriends?

No. She's only cheating on her boyfriend if she goes out with another person at the same time.

Who is Amy Wine house's boyfriend?

You mean boyfriends pete dorthy a lot that crack will get you

Your boyfriend means so much tome?

Other people boyfriends shouldn't mean anything to you!

What do exes mean like boyfriends and girlfriends?

The previous boyfriend/girlfriend that they had before, that theyve broken up with

What does mean when you dream your boyfriends mom telling you my son talks about you?

When you dream that your boyfriend's mom tells you that her son talks about you, this could mean that you are subconsciously suspicious that your boyfriend is talking about you behind your back. The best way to deal with this is to have a conversation with your boyfriend about it.

You just dumped your boyfriend im very confused what can you do to get back your old life?

First give yourself time to grieve the loss of this relationship. Give yourself time to get clarity and some healing. Getting back your "old life" back before met your boyfriend is not possible. What is possible is to get the things you liked best from your old life and carry them with you into your new "post boyfriend" life. Take your time and I mean a very long time in getting a new boyfriend. Pick a boyfriend when you are ready to have a boyfriend. Until then give yourself a break from the drama of boyfriends.

How do you make your life with your boyfriends better?

because you can get spoiled by hym if he is cute nd funny nd nice!!!!! bt if you hav a mean nd rude boyfriend den you should breake u wit hym!

What does it mean when your boyfriends brother tells your boyfriend to spank his girlfriend?

It seems that he has sort some of perverted mind and wants to see it happen in front of him. I'd recommend not letting your boyfriend do this to you, and ignore the brother.

What does it mean when you dream about breaking up with your boyfriend and getting back with you ex boyfriend?

The ex-boyfriends in this dream symbolize factors from your past. The dream might be about picking up classes or a job or plans that were dropped around the time that you were with these ex-boyfriends.

Do girls who got to all girls high school have boyfriends?

Yes they normally do, especially if there is a neighboring all boys highschool. This does not mean that you have to have a boyfriend though! :)

What does it mean if you had a dream of meeting your boyfriends 2 kids after you got out of the shower?

If the emotional tone of this dream is embarrassed, shocked and uncomfortable, then it is probably a variation on The Naked Dream. It means that you feel unprepared and definitely not ready for this boyfriend with 2 kids in your life.

Why are girls mean to boyfriends?

Most girls are mean to their boyfriend because they want them to stay their boyfriend. Do not try and make sense of this because I assure you it doesn't make sense at all mate. You could just be with a mean girl though, in which case I suggest making some changes.