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It can either mean he loves you as your best friend or he loves you like more than friends.

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What does it mean if your best friend and a guy friend have a conversation and wont tell you about it when it is about you?

that means that they love each other and dont want to tell you

Is I love you a comliment?

I love you can be a compliment . I tell people I love them all the time , but I really mean that I like them as a friend .

How do you tell your best friend your in love with them?

well, depends on how they feel about you. If you really want to be honest, be cool about it. Don't make it such a big deal, but then again it is really nerve racking to tell your best friend you love them. that's all i know, buddy. good luck with everything .. if you are really in love with your best friend. its just my opinion, don't take it unless you like it.

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if your a guy and your friend is a girl how can you tell if she is in love with you?

Should you tell your friend you love them?

if ur a girl yes

What does it mean when you dream you have two kids with your best friend?

It means that your trying to tell yourself that you love him/her.

What does it mean when your girlfriend says I love you to her close male friend?

It shouldnt be hard to tell but it up to you to decide 'how' she said it. they are most likely just friends, i dont think you should worry :) friend- 'You do know that I love you right??' friend 'Oh my gosh! i LOVE you! :)' friend- 'love ya'

HOW TO TELL your love to your girl friend?

Tell her you love her. Tell her you admire her. Tell her the truth. Sincerity works.

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make a nice buddy with someone and tell them can you evolve my kadabra and give it back to me because when you give it to someone it will say evolve kadabra and then tell him to give it back. Make sure it is a sensible friend. you can get it from me. add me as your buddy and i will do it u abraar12

If you are 15 how do you tell your best friend you love her?

Tell them you love them. It's as easy as that. If you're their bets friend, they'll understand.

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Tell the person you love them then ask them if they love you.

I love my best friend's brother but he doesnt know?

tell your best friend but tell her not to tell her bro.