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It means............................................LOVE<3

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Q: What does it mean when you keep thinking about your crush?
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What does it mean when you keep hearing your crush name on tv?

It usually means that that he/she is thinking about you. Or you are worried about them. Or you might just really be thinking hard about them.

What does it mean if you call someone by the name of your crush by accident?

it means you are thinking of your crush

You keep having sexual dreams with your crush in them Does having these dreams mean hes thinking about you?

Most likely, it is the other way around: it means that you are thinking about him.

If you keep dreaming about your crush and it feels real what does it mean?

It means that your in love dipshitz !!!!! Tell her you love her. She'll appreciate it and might even let you have something in return if you know what I mean ;) GOOD LUCK

What does it mean to dream about an old crush that you haven't seen or spoke to in months?

To dream of an old crush might mean the person is still thinking of theme.

What does it mean if your crush keep saying your name almost after every sentence?

Maybe he had a crush on you too! ;)

What does it mean when your dream your crush came and sat right next to you and started talking to you?

This is a wish fulfillment dream, expressing your own desire to have your crush's attention. It does not mean that your crush is thinking about you, and it does not predict any future event.

What does it mean when your crush already knows you like them and looks at you often but doesn't do anything about it?

It is unclear what it could mean as there is no way to know what your crush is thinking. The best thing to do would to just ask.

What does it mean to kiss your crush in a dream but the dream ends after the kiss?

It only means that your mind imagined a lovely experience for you to enjoy in the safe context of sleep. Your dreams illustrate your own emotions and desires, but they do not provide any information about what another person, even your crush, is thinking or feeling. This dream does not mean that your crush is thinking or dreaming about you.

What does it mean if you keep having dreams about your ex crush?

If you keep having dreams about your ex or your ex crush then it means that you still have feeling for him and you don't know it or don't want to admit it to yourself or it could mean that you are still in love with your crush even though it was in the past.

Why do you keep have a dream about someone everynight what does this mean?

Your dreams reflect your own thoughts and feelings. If you have a crush on this someone and think a lot about them, it is natural for them to appear in your dreams. Your dreams can only originate from your own mind. These dreams do NOT mean that this person is thinking or dreaming about you.

What does it mean if you keep catching your crush frowning at you?

He or she thinks you are annoying OR You insulted them somehow.