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You are not pregnant just move on with ur life.

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Q: What does it mean when you have spotting a week after sex?
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What does it mean when you have protected sex and you have a little spotting a week before your period?

Could be an implantation bleed where Embie implants on womb lining.

What do it mean when you start spotting 6 days after your period?

what does it mean when you start spotting 6 days after your period has ended

What does it mean if you bleed again about a week after you end your period?

Honey, it's called a spotting. It's completely normal. If you have had sex, it's possible you may be pregnant.

Is brown spotting normal 2 week's period could I be pregnant?

Yes, you could be pregnant but it depends on how long ago you had sex and if it adds up with the dates and it could sometimes mean that your body is just unhealthy

What does it mean if you are spotting one week before your period is due and only when you pick up something over 20 pounds?

nothing... the spotting is light flow

8th month dark brown spotting what does this mean?

There are several causes for dark brown spotting at 8 months in a pregnancy. These include preterm labor and having sex.

Is spotting for a week normal in one week pregnancy?


You had unprotected sex on your period which usually last 6-7 days and your cycle is usually around 28 days A week after you had sex on your period you have spotting Whats the chance that you are preg?

You might be pregnant - take a test

Is it implantation bleeding or just spotting after sex if you get your period and you used a condom but experienced light bleeding a week after sex?

Depending on the length of your cycle and lmp, it is all reality is probaly just spotting do to ovulation which is natural and may or may not occur every month...especially if intercourse was protected and there were no accidents such as a broken condom.

What does it mean when you dream about the person for a week?

if they love you they want to have sex

Does having your period 1 week early mean your pregnant?

If you had unprotected sex 2-3 weeks prior, it could very well be implantation bleeding/spotting. 20-30% of woman experience this. SOME will actually confuse this accurance as their period.

How long could it be before my next period I took the morning after pill 24 hours after sex and I had my last period a month ago and I had some spotting 1 week before having sex?

It depends. Get a pregnancy test to be sure.