You can find high quality human hair wigs for women at Wholesale05.
One can find a good quality hair piece made from human hair from WilshireWigs, a company that specializes in selling human hair wigs. The company takes custom orders, but the prices are high.
of course once a boy starts to go through puberty the will grow hair on their balls THATS STUPID YES BOYS HAVE HAIR ON THERE BALLS ITS CALLED PUBIC HAIR AKA PUBS
Yes, it is short hair that grows around the genitals.
On FashionTIY, you can find high-quality wholesalers of human hair, wigs and hair clips, providing a wide selection for the beauty industry and individual consumers.
Because too much hair on your balls would result in a lot of zipper accidents
i dont know becase you shound not put puff balls in your hair
A nanometer is about 1,000 times smaller than the diameter of a human hair. A human hair is typically around 80,000-100,000 nanometers in diameter, while a nanometer is one-billionth of a meter.
you get hair balls in your body
On the Wholesale05 website, you can find a variety of curly human hair wigs designed for consumers who pursue fashion and individuality.
The tip of a human hair is smaller than a transistor. Human hair tips average around 100 micrometers in diameter, while transistors can range from a few nanometers to a few micrometers in size.