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maybe it new thing to her that a guy doing a something nice for her . give her time to take it in.later on ask her

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Q: What does it mean when girls are acting nervous with just you if you do nice things for them as a guy?
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What does it mean when girls are acting like this with just you if you do nice things for them as a guy?

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It is generally just a nervous habit.

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First of all being nervous is normal, it's natural to feel nervous around the people that you have a crush on...Because you don't want to say the wrong things or do the wrong things to turn them off. Or to make them not want to talk to you....The best thing to do is just be yourself and break the ice by saying that the reason why your so nervous is because you like them. Most girls understand this and will give the guy a break and understand that it's hard. As for others??...well that's just up to them...some girls can be mean, but that doesn't mean that you have to stop trying....just be yourself....

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This is silly! In a relationship, girls just need to relax and be themselves. If you're acting like someone your not, your relationship is just composed of lies.

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just be yourself and just act like you are good friends because girls dont mind if you are nervous because they will get why you are nervous. hope i gave you enough info.

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Because that is what girls like to do. Just BUY THINGS! XD

Do guys get nervous around girls?

Yes, guys can get nervous around girls, just as girls can get nervous around guys. It's a normal human reaction when feeling attracted or wanting to make a good impression. Confidence and self-assurance can help alleviate some of those nerves.

Why does this girl talk to you on chat?

Well maybe she is nervous before meeting you. Sometimes girls are really nervous and some girls arent. Just give them time and they willl come around. Now if you have already met a girl and she just wants to talk to you on chat, she just maybe doesnt have time to text or talk on the phone.