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it probably means hes just nervous and is nott willing to start a conversation with you. Instead you should start the conversation with him.

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Q: What does it mean when another guy tells you the guy you like says hey Does it mean they liek you or are they just being weird?
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his weird dump him! lol his just being weird because he likes u!

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... People are weird because they just feel like being weird or because they think it's funny but the best awnser for this question is:that is their personality =D -Like me People should admire people who are weird! Being weird is being yourself! Not caring what other think! Bravery!

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It means she is just a friend.

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He just doesn't want you to feel like he is rushing into a relationship. He's worried if he tells you you'll think he's weird.

How can you tell if a guy likes you or if he is just being a player?

Well it well be way to weird for you to ask him and it will make him feel weird to. But just flirt around with him until he get the hint. But if he don't get the hint then he is just being a player i mean you cant play a player. Im i right or what?

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It really depends on the tone of voice. Did he say it in a sensitive and caring way, while comforting you because you were upset about being called "weird"? Then he likes you. Did he roll his eyes and laugh with his friends after you explained that you were proud of being weird? Then he just called you mentally deficient. It could also mean that he likes the "weird" part of you

Is it weird to ask a guy to carry you?

not usually. if your trying to be cute just be like "my feet really hurt, will you give me a piggy back ride" but if your just straight being like "Ayyy carry me." you'll look like a little two year old. If a guy is asking another guy, then yes, it is a little weird.

Am I weird for asking this question about whether I am weird?

it just makes you feel like your weird. Everyone is weird

If you like a boy and he tells you he doesnt know whether he likes you?

Well he might like you but for some reason he dosent know it. He just gets weird feelings about you