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X= kiss O=hug which 1 has more? The O's! O is the WINNER! So more hugs than kisses.

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Q: What does it mean when a person signs a letter xooxooxoo?
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What does CV mean when someone signs a letter?

cheese is nice

What do the signs mean?

Horoscope signs are known to be the personality of the person that is born under it. Each sign has an element, ruled by a planet and has a symbol.

What does it mean when someone signs a letter GL HF?

i think its good luck have fun

What does it mean when their are signs that lead to a certan person?

thoose signs might be right. check the person out to see for real. yet there might not be signs it could just be something else. well just see and that person might be the one. take ur chance and ask them out or something.

What does the star signs mean?

Star signs are used in the practice of Astrology. Astrology asserts that each month of the year falls under a certain sign, and the signs can explain a lot about a person's personality. A person whose sign is Leo has their birthday in August.

What does clinically well mean?

A person that "presents well clinically" does not appear to show signs of distress or duress

What does presents well clinically mean?

A person that "presents well clinically" does not appear to show signs of distress or duress

What are some adjectives that describe a mean person and begin with the letter J?

A mean person could be described as acting juvenile. A mean person could be described as acting jealous.

What does it mean to check for signs of life?

Tap the person firmly and shout at them to assess for responsiveness, then open their airway and check for breathing.

What does star-sign mean?

Star signs are used in the practice of Astrology. Astrology asserts that each month of the year falls under a certain sign, and the signs can explain a lot about a person's personality. A person whose sign is Leo has their birthday in August.

What does star signing mean?

Star signs are used in the practice of Astrology. Astrology asserts that each month of the year falls under a certain sign, and the signs can explain a lot about a person's personality. A person whose sign is Leo has their birthday in August.

Swhat do the signs mean in spanish?

The word "signs" in Spanish can be translated as "señales" or "signos." It can refer to physical markers, such as traffic signs or symbols, or it can also refer to astrological or zodiac signs.