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Q: What does it mean when a guy sleep a lot?
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What does it mean when a guy asked you how you sleep?

If a guy asks you how you sleep it means that he has strong feelings for you and is trying to get you to like him.

What does it mean when a guy asks you how you sleep?

If a guy asks you how you sleep it means that he has strong feelings for you and is trying to get you to like him.

What does it mean if a guy likes to sleep on top of you?

I have know idea why

Does a guy like you if he falls asleep with you?

If a guy is giving up sleep for you it could mean he cares for you and wants to be there for you which could also mean he is interested. He may just be nice and wants to help a friend as well.

What does it mean when you do not sleep with a guy yet he finds you attractive?

When you don't sleep with a guy, but he still finds you attractive then he's a gentleman; honorable and loves you and is willing to wait until you are willing to sleep with him. He sounds like a keeper.

What does it mean when a guy say he wants to hang out?

it means he wanna sleep with u

If a guy looks at you and talks to your best friend a lot what does it mean?

Nothing. He is a nice guy.

What does it mean if a guy tells you he believes in you?

It means that the guy really believes in you. He likes you a lot and trusts you. He trust you a lot and helps you.

What does it mean when a guy look at you a lot?

He may or Amy not have a crush on you...

How do you know if a guy likes or loves you or he just sees you as a friend though complements you a lot?

how he lookes at you!!!!!!!!!!!! you girls are hopless i mean i am a guy and when a guy compliments you and lookes at you a lot he likes you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What does it mean when a guy notice you a lot and give you a lot of attention and looks at you?

it probable means he likes you!

Can you get a guy to sleep with a guy?
