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Its either he is commited, or he want to do the nasty early and he is trying to convince you by telling you he loves you.

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Q: What does it mean when a guy says he loves you and you haven't know each other that long?
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Then just go for it. If you already know that yall love each other theres no room for rejection!

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if he loves you he will prove it and do things he wouldnt do for no other.

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Sure its possible. You guys known each other for two years have either one of you guys hurt each other in any ways? Try it out how hard can it be.

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That is something that only you and him can deside.

I love this guy and he knows how do I know if he feels the same way?

* The only way you are going to know if a person loves you is to date them and get to know each other until they decide to tell you if they love you or not.