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Answer Maybe validated isn't the right word to use. Maybe he feels hurt that you broke up with him. To validate something is to approve it, not to feel bad about it.

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Q: What does it mean when a guy says he feels validated you broke up but are still talking?
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When you keep talking about a girl that broke up with you what does it mean?

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What if your ex broke up with you two weeks ago but he still calls but he DONT say he misses you?

Then he is a jerk! The same thing happened to me last nite. my ex was talking to me and then he started to talk about his current crush. You should either tell him how you feel and see if he feels the same way. Good luck! :) Then he is a jerk! The same thing happened to me last nite. my ex was talking to me and then he started to talk about his current crush. You should either tell him how you feel and see if he feels the same way. Good luck! :) Then he is a jerk! The same thing happened to me last nite. my ex was talking to me and then he started to talk about his current crush. You should either tell him how you feel and see if he feels the same way. Good luck! :)