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he loves you a lot and doesn't care whether you're on a date or not he still loves you

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Q: What does it mean when a guy hugs you all the time and holds your hand when you don't go out?
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What does it mean when a guy comes up and hugs you from behind and puts his arms around your neck.. and always hugs you and always wont's to shake your hand.. I dont know if he likes me?

i had that experirence before it probably means he likes you.or he pervy........ jk

If you are leaving and this boy you are talking to and he holds your hand and says dont go does tht mean he likes you?

pretty likely

What does it mean when a boy looks at another girl before he hugs you?

It just happened to look there. dont set your mind on it

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Talk To You Later Hugs Kiss Hugs

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He like/has a crush on you

What does xoxox mean?

hugs and kissesHugs and kisses! Hugs and kisses!

What if a boy touches your hand but before that he saw you sneeze on it but he still holds your hand what does it mean?

He prefers you to sneeze on it

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it means tal to you later (hugs and kisses)

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"Khibukim" means "hugs" in Hebrew.

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I dont think a hand can actually explode, unless you mean a hand grenade.

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o's stand for hugs and x's stand for kisses, so oxo.... means hugs and kisses

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