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He thinks you are beautifull and likes you and cares for you.

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12y ago

It means that he likes you and wants it to stay that way or to ask you out when he feels ready and go from there.

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Q: What does it mean when a guy has a crush on you?
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that they probably have a crush on him to.

If you are a guy and have a crush on a guy does that mean you are gay?

No, not at all. It is only gay if you are sexually attracted to the other guy.

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Gay means that a guy has a crush on a guy. It could also mean stupid, or dumb. Another meaning would be happy, but it is usually used as in a guy "liking" a guy. Gay means that a guy has a crush on a guy. It could also mean stupid, or dumb. Another meaning would be happy, but it is usually used as in a guy "liking" a guy.

If the guy looks at you and plays around with you what does it mean?

He is flirting with you and probably has a crush on you.

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it means that they may be into you.

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It means he has a crush on you

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how to talk to you or ask you out

How do you know if your guy has a crush on you?

if he is being mean or hurtful towards you (usually)

If a guy asks a girl if he can carry the girl does that mean the guy has a crush on the girl?

yes or the guy is just flirting with the girl

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it might be he wants to know if you like someone or you might have a crush on him