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Q: What does it mean when a girl teacher blushes with only you if you are a college guy?
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What does it mean if a college girl teacher blushes with a college guy student if he asks her some questions about the material and if he does a good job on her assignments and tests?

it means thaat the teacher is pleased with his work. but, other people might think that the teacher wants to date him or something weird like that...

What does it mean when a college girl stares at you and then blushes smiles and giggles while looking away from you and saying hi to you?

She likes you

What does it mean when a girl blushes with you and says hi and bonjour at the same time?

When a girl blushes is generally means she likes you.

What does it mean if a girl blushes dark green with only you?

Well if she blushes GREEN than that isn't normal.

What does it mean when a girl blushes when you joke about liking her?

It means she likes you

When a girl smiles at you or she blushes that mean she likes you?

she likes you alot

What does it mean when a girl blushes and won't tell you why?

ok, most likely if a girl blushes its because she either doesn't konw what to say or she thought of something warming

What does it mean when a 29 year old female teacher blushes with only you if you are a college guy who is 22 years old?

she just saw your beautiful a** when you bent over to pick up your books.

What does it mean if a girl asks for money and when you give it to her she blushes?

UMMMM.. Are You INSANE... She totally likes you blushing is useually a sign of crushing. This coming from a girl that blushes at guys alot

If a guy blushes when a girl askes him who he like what does it mean?

most likely you

What does it mean if a girl blushes and smiles at you at the same time?

It means she likes you!

What does it mean if a girl blushes and smiles with you at the same time?

Because They Like You