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Q: What does it mean when a girl talks to a boy and he looks at his private area?
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How do you know if a girl knows you?

If she smiles at you, talks to you, and looks at you alot.!

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A kind and short girl, looks cute when she talks, and can also cook.

Is pit a girl?

no most definitly not he talks like a boy and looks like a boy

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by the way she acts and how she talks and he she looks at you all the time!

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Why does this girl look at you more than she talks to you?

she looks at you because they are in love with you, but they are just shy to talk to you.

How do you get the interest of a girl you are seven years older than?

You like the way she looks, talks, and ect. You have a feeling inside of you that you like this girl.

Signs of a shy girl that likes you?

She stares at you alot. She looks away when you look at her. She blushes when she talks to you or hears you name.

How do you detect true love in a short span of time?

The boy looks at you all the time and he talks to all the time and the girl is somtimes to shy to talk back.... they truly are in love. The boy looks at you all the time and he talks to all the time and the girl is somtimes to shy to talk back.... they truly are in love.

If a girl looks at you does it mean she likes you?

Just because she looks at you doesn't mean she likes you. It depends on whether she talks, smiles, laughs or flirts. All girls are different.

You like a girl and you are in 5th grade and she barly talks to you but looks at you all the time what is she doing and what should you do?

you should start a conversation

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