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Q: What does it mean to frame someone?
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When being hung in the gallows there would be a wooden frame that the noose's are tied to. So when someone is being hung, wood is over them.

What does an in frame suggest?

"in frame" usually refers to a repair or rebuild that is done without removing that main part. for example if someone said i am doing an in frame on a mack truck, it would mean they are rebuilding the engine without removing it from the truck.

Did someone frame Vanessa Hudgens?


What to do when someone tries to frame you?

Get a lawyer, pronto!

What On a firearm does the term J Frame mean?

It refers to the size of the frame.

What can you frame?

a window, a picture, someone else for your crime

What is the chronological order for frame construction?

A frame story consists of someone narrating events from the past. Therefore, the frame is in the present, the body of the story is in the past, and the end frame is back to the present.

What does freeze frame mean?

Freeze frame is when you stop in a form of an action or verb

What does it mean if my picture frame lifts off of my shelf on its own and then lands on the floor?

This means that someone in your life will secretly and quietly fall to the floor unexpected on day.

What is frame within a frame usually called?

in our photography class, it is either frame within frame, or double images. everyone calls it different things, but universally called frame within frame. :) If you mean frame within a 'door' frame. then it is called a sub-frame

What was the frame in Rip Van Winkle?

theirs a picture frame with king George ..then later theirs a frame with president that what you mean

What does freeze frame mean in dance?

to freeze! ;)