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It means you have good standards, and you are a good person, and you have a good understanding of values for a young age.

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Q: What does it mean to be a morally mature person?
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A person is morally bankrupt if his actions display a complete disregard for ethical values or principles.

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A puritan.

What does it mean to be morally strate?

Have good morals.

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The term morally wrong refers to an act of human behavior that is not accepted as right by society.

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Socrates believed that having knowledge of what is good and right will naturally lead a person to act virtuously. He argued that if a person truly understands what is morally right, they will always choose to act in accordance with that knowledge. Therefore, to be virtuous is to have knowledge of what is morally good.

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A virtuous person is someone who consistently demonstrates qualities such as honesty, integrity, kindness, and compassion in their thoughts, words, and actions. They strive to do what is morally right and are guided by principles of goodness and excellence.

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Incapable of being morally corrupted.

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The phrase is morally defective. It means a person who has totally lost his or her sense of right and wrong. (Alternate phrase: morally bankrupt)

What is ethical opinion?

It is the conscious opinion of what a person believes to be ethical. Or morally right or wrong. It WILL vary from person to person.